
Thursday, January 16, 2020

More amazing SLJ finishers!

Congratulations to these amazing students who have now completed the SLJ! 

Nici - Hornby High School

Arie - South Hornby Primary School

Ashaswi - Gilberthorpe Primary School

Parwin - Yaldhurst Model School

Well done guys! I hope you are all extremely proud of all of you hard work. 

If you haven't started the Summer Learning Journey yet, there is still time! And if you have started and had a wee break, get back into it team. Just remember all of those amazing prizes up for grabs 😍

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emma I like how you did a post about that. And congratulations to Nici,Arie, Ashaswi, and Parwin. It made me think great that you guys have finished the SLJ thing.Next time you could write a little more about them. -Angel.
